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Global launching of science heroes of tomorrow

December 17, 2010, 11:16 CET

Fully focused at a FIRST LEGO League event. (Photo: FIRST Scandinavia)

Three young promising engineers are making the final adjustments of the lego robot before the starting shot is fired. They are competing in mathematics and technology, and they are having a great time.

“We hope that this agreement can help stimulate an interest in science subjects among more young people,” says Oddvar Høie, head of marketing in Statoil.


Oddvar Høie, head of marketing in Statoil.

Heroes of tomorrow

For 10 years Statoil has supported the FLL Scandinavia, and now we are also entering into a global sponsorship agreement. As part of the group’s heroes of tomorrow sponsorship programme the agreement represents the group’s first global sponsorship agreement.

FLL president Jon Dudas is very pleased with the Statoil cooperation:

“This way Statoil helps realise our vision of inspiring young people to take an interest and participate in research and technology,” he says.

Through both agreements Statoil provides close to USD 2.5 million over a three-year period.

The funds of the global sponsorship agreement will at first be spent on supporting teams and tournaments in Houston, Texas, USA and in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

“The events in Calgary and Houston prove that we believe in the heroes of tomorrow,” says Michele Wood, head of the brand and internal communication entity in North-America. “Maybe these young and bright heads will be the future engineers and geophysics of Statoil.”

Supporting local events globally

During the sponsorship period we will also support local events on other locations worldwide.

Høie emphasises that the need for a larger recruitment base is also one of the group’s reasons for signing the agreement:

“We want to take social responsibility and at the same time help ensure longterm recruitment to the science subjects,” he says. “This is something we as a company need in all the places we operate.”

Through the agreement Statoil employees may also take part in local FLL events as mentors and volunteers.

“This is a sponsorship agreement we can support in all countries, and it furthermore allows us as employees to contribute,” says Høie.

And maybe one of the young Lego enthusiasts around the table will think: This was fun. Now I know what I want to be when I grow up!