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Huldra job for Kværner

February 15, 1999, 16:00 CET

The NOK 700 million job of building the topsides for Statoil's unmanned Huldra wellhead platform has been awarded to Kværner Oil & Gas.

Embracing engineering, construction and mechanical commissioning of the topsides, this job was won by the Anglo-Norwegian group in strong competition with Norwegian and foreign companies.

The structure is due to weigh some 3,500 tonnes and will be built at Kværner Rosenberg in Stavanger. Engineering will take place at the group's London offices.

Aker Verdal in mid-Norway has earlier been awarded the job of fabricating the steel jacket for the Huldra platform, while Saipem is due to install both jacket and topsides.

With the latest contract, all the major assignments for Huldra have been awarded. Statoil plans to bring the North Sea field on stream in the autumn of 2001.