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Yme scores for safety

February 15, 2000, 08:00 CET

The Mærsk Giant production rig on Statoil's Yme field in the North Sea will pass 1,000 days without a lost-time injury today, 15 February.

That puts this installation at the top of the safety tree for units operated by the group in recent years.

Unlike other Statoil fields, Yme is produced by a rig which has been leased in with its operations personnel. Mærsk Giant is owned by Denmark's Maersk company.

The Polysaga storage tanker moored permanently on the field has also been chartered, in this case from Statoil subsidiary Navion, and is operated by Rasmussen Maritime Services.

Yme came on stream in 1996, and a number of incidents and lost-time injuries were initially reported from the rig. That led to extensive cooperation between Maersk and Statoil on corrective action.

Øyvind Fedde, head of health, the environment and safety for Yme, says the improvement reflects the way all levels in the organisation are now involved in creating HES programmes.

"That gives everyone a proprietary attitude to the work, and to the zero injury mindset on which it is based. Each person accepts responsibility for reaching the goals."

Like Statoil, Maersk has adopted the zero injury mindset in its organisation. This means that no injuries and accidents are accepted.

Mærsk Giant is used today as an example to emulate for safety work in both Maersk and Statoil.