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Yes to new awards

May 26, 2000, 17:30 CEST

The operatorships and other licence interests offered to Statoil in Norway's 16th offshore licensing round have been accepted by the group.

An agreement on these awards, which all lie in the Norwegian Sea, is being signed with the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy today, 26 May.

One of the operatorships is close to the Kristin discovery on the Halten Bank, while the other lies in the deepwater Møre West area.

Statoil has also received 20 per cent of block 6506/5, known as the "President", and holdings in licences near its Ã…sgard field and BP Amoco's Skarv discovery north of the Halten Bank.

Drilling now under way in the Ragnfrid structure near Kristin could prove a structure which extends into the new Halten Bank operatorship, reports Marit Berling, head of business development for the new areas cluster in Exploration & Production Norway.

The Møre West licence lies in an unexplored area, and Ms Berling says that Statoil initially intends to survey the acreage with three-dimensional seismic.

"We'll be proposing to our partners that we start this work as early as the coming summer," she says.