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Taking on 81 apprentices

July 20, 2000, 10:00 CEST

Eighty-one young people who have accepted apprenticeships with Statoil start their training – generally lasting two years – on 1 September.

These trainees were among 900 qualified applications from all over Norway, reports Arne R Larsen, who is responsible the parent company's apprenticeship scheme.

While 12 of this year's intake will work offshore, 29 have been recruited to the Mongstad refinery complex and 11 for the Kollsnes gas treatment plant, both near Bergen.

In addition come 14 at the Kårstø gas treatment plant north of Stavanger and four at the Tjeldbergodden methanol plant in mid-Norway as well as three at head office, four at the research centre in Trondheim and four at offices in the Bergen area.

The apprentices cover 10 different trades – automation technicians, mechanics, electricians, industrial mechanics, chemical process technicians, cooks, laboratory technicians, materials administrators, office workers and welders.

All 81 will be able to apply for vacant positions in the group once their period of training has been completed.

Mr Larsen emphasises the importance of maintaining trainee recruitment at roughly the same level as before, since this ensures that Statoil has the skilled workers it needs in future.

The group is also in line with Norwegian policy on apprenticeships, which specifies that the authorities will provide theoretical education while companies offer practical training.