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Prize for air safety

May 8, 2001, 12:30 CEST

Statoil’s Jan M Taarland has today, 8 May, received the Sola conference safety award for 2001.

Mr Taarland is special adviser for air operations in the group.

In its explanation for granting the award, the committee maintains that through his work in Statoil for over 20 years Mr Taarland has made a significant contribution to the improvement of safety for helicopter traffic offshore through his specialist knowledge, involvement and ability to introduce fresh ideas.

Committee chair and award presenter is the regional director of Rogaland Civil Aviation Authority Tor Helge Strand, who says that Mr Taarland has been the initiative taker of a number of projects that have helped to raise air safety offshore to its current level. He mentions such examples as the radar on the Gullfaks field and controlled air space in the Statfjord area. Mr Taarland has also been the prime mover for risk studies that the Sintef research foundation has carried out on assignment from the oil companies.

The Sola conference is an annual event which attracts aviation people from the whole of Scandinavia to Stavanger. This is the 15th time it has been arranged.