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Modification job for Kværner

July 25, 2001, 14:30 CEST

A contract worth roughly NOK 380 million to boost gas treatment capacity on Statoil’s Gullfaks A platform in the North Sea has been awarded to Kværner Oil & Gas.

Placed by the Gullfaks satellites phase II project, this job will boost daily gas exports by roughly four million cubic metres from 1 October 2003.

Design work begins immediately after the contract is signed, with offshore modifications due to start around the New Year and continue to the autumn of 2003.

The phase II project is developing gas reserves in the Gullfaks South and Rimfaks satellites, which will be produced via Gullfaks A and C.

Committed gas deliveries from the project are due to begin on 1 October, with roughly 10 million cubic metres per day flowing from Gullfaks C.

This volume is due to increase to 17 million cubic metres from 2003, and some four million cubic metres of this total will pass via the A platform.