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Seeking North Sea blocks

December 7, 2001, 11:15 CET

The deadline for submitting applications in Norway's North Sea 2001 licensing round expires today, 7 December. Statoil is applying for a limited number of blocks.

This is confirmed by Karin Ask, who is Statoil's project manager for the application in the new areas unit of Exploration & Production Norway.

A total of 68 blocks has been put on offer on this occasion. According to Ms Ask, the blocks are primarily located in areas near existing infrastructure, and they do not comprise any "virgin" areas of the North Sea.

"We are applying for small acreage on a limited number of blocks, together with partners in licences which have already been awarded. One reason for this is to secure additional acreage to existing acreage in neighbouring blocks," Ms Ask explains.

The authorities will probably announce the results of this year's North Sea licensing round in March or April 2002.