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Best company in Poland

April 2, 2002, 10:30 CEST

The lube oil company Statoil Lubricants has received the prize for the best industrial company in Poland for 2002.

Established in 2000 by the independent organisation Polish Leaders Forum, the award is based on the operating results for the previous three years, environmental activities and social awareness. This year the prize is being awarded in two categories – best industrial company and best product. Statoil came first in the former category, beating 63 other companies.

In 2000 the Polish president Aleksander Kwasnieski and the chairperson of the National Bank, Leszek Balcerowiec, won the prize for forward-thinking management. The current prime minister Leszek Miller won the award last year.

“We are very proud to have won this prize after only four years in operation here,” says general manager Torben Tratwal, adding that over the last two years the company has introduced new IT systems for financing, sales and logistics, and has been qualified in accordance with the ISO-9002 standard. Statoil’s lube oil company was established in 1998 after acquiring the Exol company .

Statoil Lubricants is owned by Statoil Polska and has its main office in Cracow. The company includes a nationwide sales organisation and a lube oil factory with a total of 115 employees. In 2001 the company sold over 11,000 cubic metres of lubricants, mostly to industry and the transport sector. In terms of volume, Statoil is the second largest foreign lube oil company in Poland.