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Applying in the North Sea round

January 28, 2003, 14:00 CET

Applications have been submitted by Statoil for a number of blocks in Norway’s North Sea 2002 offshore licensing round. The deadline was today, 28 January.

Acreage on offer is spread over the whole length of the Norwegian North Sea sector.

It embraces both new blocks and areas previously licensed and relinquished. A large number of blocks are close to existing infrastructure.

“Our applications are split roughly 50-50 between supplementary acreage near infrastructure and new areas,” explains Karin Ask, Statoil’s manager for the licensing round.

“We’ve submitted a relatively broad application, and are focusing on opportunities for both oil and gas discoveries.”

She adds that the group is applying partly alone and partly in cooperation with other companies.

Licence awards are due to be made by the end of April at the latest.