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Survey: Yes to hydrogen on Iceland

April 26, 2003, 01:00 CEST

Icelanders are positive to hydrogen as fuel. An informal survey reveals that the people are interested, having read in the media about the fuel of the future and the opening of the hydrogen station in Reykjavik.

Even the bus drivers were positive, although they did question whether the hydrogen buses would be powerful enough: ”Remember that we’ve got to carry a lot of people up some steep hills here...”

Taxi drivers were also sceptical as to the power of these engines: “But if hydrogen can be used in smaller vehicles as well, that would be ideal for town use.”

Can we take your picture? “No, you can’t…but you can quote us!” 

Here are some more reactions from people out and about in Reykjavik:

“Hydrogen is good for the environment and will in time make Iceland an emission-free country. We think it’s s good idea to use hydrogen in local buses, but the question is whether smaller vehicles will be ”nippy” enough”, say Zophanias Sigurdsson and Georg Gislasson, outside the Kringlan shopping mall.

“The problem will be setting up a sufficient number of fuelling stations, so that vehicles travelling greater distances can benefit. But it’s excellent for local buses and positive for the environment,” say Americans Phil Pauley and Bill Elliot.

 â€œIceland practises environmentally friendly policies we agree with. It will be good for the environment to use energy that doesn’t emit any CO2. We’d like to ride on such buses and feel completely safe,” says three girls out shopping, Maria Sveinsdottir, Iris Bjørk Gunnlaugsdottir and Nanna Y ArnardĂłttir.

 "We’ll have a totally ”green” Iceland in a few years. Everything we do in the sector in this country is good for the environment. I’ll gladly use the hydrogen buses when they come into service,” says Gyda Agnarsdottir.

 â€œThe fuelling station at Vesturlandsvegur is proof that Iceland is serious about its green policies. I’ve been  following developments here - a lot of people are interested. It will also be important for us in the fishing fleet to start using hydrogen,” says Sigmar JĂłnsson on the quayside in Reykjavik.

“Hydrogen is very interesting given all the traffic pollution that we are beginning to notice here. What’s more, we can free ourselves from our dependency on oil from the Arabs and you Norwegians!,” quips Brynjólfur Eyvindsson, outside the police station.

 â€œWe can improve the environment and enjoy better air quality in our towns, especially during the winter. I’ve no qualms about using hydrogen. We have discussed this a lot and are looking forward to when the three buses come into operation for the first time,” adds policeman Thorvald Sigmarson.