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Kristin coating for Bredero

July 16, 2003, 10:00 CEST

Three pipe coating contracts for Statoil’s Kristin field in the Norwegian Sea, worth roughly NOK 100 million in total, have been awarded to Bredero Shaw Norge.

Placed on behalf of the Kristin licence, these jobs include supplying and applying coatings for the flowlines which will tie subsea installations back to the field’s floating platform.

They also cover coating of export pipelines for oil and gas to link the floater with Statoil’s Åsgard field and the Åsgard Transport trunkline respectively.

The material to be applied represents a further development of the coating system used on Åsgard, and can now cope with the kind of very high-temperature wellstreams encountered on Kristin.

This product is the outcome of good collaboration between Statoil and the suppliers, reports Ragnar Hjelmen, pipeline systems manager for the development project.

“It’s gratifying to see results from positive, long-term collaboration and to note that local industry is competitive,” he says.

Due on stream in the summer of 2005, Kristin will be produced from 12 subsea wells and have an estimated daily capacity of 126,000 barrels of condensate and 18 million cubic metres of gas.