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Pipelay contract for Snøhvit

July 30, 2003, 09:00 CEST

A contract worth some NOK 550 million for installing pipelines and umbilicals in Statoil’s Snøhvit project has been awarded to Technip Offshore Norge.

The job involves laying and connecting flowlines and umbilicals on the Barents Sea field, as well as the umbilical and chemical lines between Snøhvit and Melkøya in northern Norway.

It also includes an option for laying the pipeline to carry carbon dioxide from the Melkøya gas liquefaction plant back to the field for injection below ground.

The infield flowlines are due to be installed next year, followed in 2005 by the umbilical and chemical pipelines from land as well as the infield umbilicals.

“This represents a very extensive and important contract for the Snøhvit project,” says Olav Hagland, pipeline manager for the development.

“That’s because it embraces much of the offshore pipeline and umbilical installation work.

“We’re particularly pleased to have split this activity between the 2004 and 2005 seasons, since that provides greater flexibility for planning.”

The contract for laying the main pipeline to transport the unprocessed wellstream from Snøhvit to Melkøya outside Hammerfest will be awarded this autumn.