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Hydrogen station to Hamburg

August 1, 2003, 12:30 CEST

Norsk Hydro Electrolysers (NHEL) is delivering a hydrogen filling station to the German energy company Hamburgische Electricitäts-Werke (HEW). The filling station will start supplying three Hamburg city buses with fuel this fall.

The filling station - the second produced by NHEL - will be installed in a bus terminal operated by transportation company Hochbahn in Hamburg. Excluding automobile production facilities in Germany, the new filling station in Hamburg is the third in the country and the fifth in Europe.

The filling station has the capacity to supply three hydrogen-fueled buses. The three buses and the hydrogen station are a part of the EU-supported project CUTE (Clean Urban Transport for Europe), which will test operate a total of 27 fuel cell buses for three years in nine european cities.

Latest technology
The hydrogen station is equipped with the latest available technology and is produced according to the most recent EU directive. The new Hamburg facility will start operating once the new fuel cell buses are delivered.

The official opening is September 15. The hydrogen station will be remotely controlled from another facility in Hamburg, that is also connected to NHEL in Notodden, Norway. The station will produce 60 normal cubic meter hydrogen per hour and have a storage capacity of 12 m3 with a pressure of 438 bar.

Ready to go
As part of commissioning, the installed station was tested with fuel cell vehicles on July 29. and 30. Representatives from the EU Commission were present during the successful testing. The facility is now ready for operation.

In April, NHEL delivered its first hydrogen filling station to Reykjavik, Island.

More about Hydro and hydrogen
Norsk Hydro Electrolysers