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Hydro to chart the whole Oseberg area

December 2, 2003, 09:00 CET

Hydro has been awarded six new operator licences in predefined areas, and shares of licences that will strengthen the company's presence in the Mid-Norwegian region of the continental shelf.

Hydro has been awarded six new operator licences in predefined areas, and shares of licences that will strengthen the company's presence in the Mid-Norwegian region of the continental shelf.

"We now have a good basis to carry out an overall charting of the resources in the Oseberg areas," says Hydro's head of Exploration and Development Norway, Lars Christian Alsvik.

"We see the interest in this licensing round as an indication of the oil industry's expectation of changes to the frame conditions for activities on the Norwegian continental shelf," says  Alsvik.

On the day before the Oseberg field centre's 15th anniversary, Hydro was awarded operator responsibility for a full charting of the available areas around the Oseberg field, which is one of Hydro's core areas on the Norwegian continental shelf.

"An overall charting of the area is important for optimal use of the infrastructure in the area," he says.

Hydro has been awarded 100 percent of the rights in the largest part of the free area around Oseberg.

"We will invite the other partners into the area, and will carry out the further exploration activities together with them," says Lars Christian Alsvik.

The other licences awarded to Hydro include areas in the southern part of the Norwegian continental shelf, in the Klegg area and in the Norwegian Sea.