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Åsgard Q jobs awarded

February 12, 2004, 09:00 CET

Two marine installation contracts worth NOK 175 million for the Åsgard Q template project in the Norwegian Sea have been awarded by operator Statoil on behalf of the field licensees.

Technip-Subsea 7 Joint Venture is to carry out flowline installation and pipewelding under a contract worth NOK 100 million, with work due to be completed by 30 September.

And Stolt Offshore will perform tie-ins to existing flowlines and tie back new lines to the Åsgard A oil production ship.

Also covering installation of control cables as well as fabrication, installation and tie-in of spools, this NOK 75 million job is due to be done in August-November.

Åsgard Q aims to improve drainage of the Smørbukk South reservoir, and involves installing a third template on that part of the field.

This facility will be tied back to Åsgard A by two parallel flowlines, each roughly 13 kilometres long. Production is scheduled to begin on 1 January 2005.

The project ranks as one of the best being pursued at the moment by Statoil for improved oil recovery.

Recoverable reserves in Smørbukk South will be increased by 26 million barrels, while production is accelerated.

The subsea development will be one of the fastest of its kind on the Norwegian continental shelf, measured from the start of planning to the beginning of production.

Contracts have already been awarded for steel deliveries, subsea equipment and rig services. The two jobs awarded now are the last of the main assignments for the project.