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Hydro awards Geoconsult a NOK 150 million Ormen Lange contract

March 2, 2004, 13:00 CET

Hydro has today - on behalf of the Ormen Lange licence group - awarded AS Geoconsult a NOK 150 million contract for marine survey services for the Ormen Lange field pipelines.

The contract comprises both seabed mapping services, plus the installation and maintenance of transponders.

Work on this contract will start mid-March and includes survey work along the planned pipeline route from the Ormen Lange field to the landfall at Nyhamna in Mid-Norway.

The contract also comprises options for seabed preparation support.

Hydro is operator for Ormen Lange during the development phase, including all field development, the gas processing plant at Nyhamna, as well as the export pipeline project – Langeled.

Ormen Lange’s untreated wellstream will be transported onshore in two 120 The scope of supply includes the use of the vessels SV Geobay and SV Geofjord with dedicated ROV and survey systems. km long, 30” flowlines. At Nyhamna the gas will be processed, before being exported in a 1,200 km long pipeline to Easington in the UK.

The contract award is conditional on government approval of the Plan for Installation and Operation (PIO) and the Plan for Development and Operation (PDO). Production start of the Ormen Lange field is planned for October 2007.

Ormen Lange is the largest gas field under development on the Norwegian continental shelf. It is located 100 km off the northwest coast of Norway at a depth of 800 to 1,100 meters.

Partners in the Ormen Lange license group:

Hydro (operator for development phase) 18.0728 %
Shell (operator for operational phase) 17.0375 %
Petoro 36.4750 %
Statoil 10.8441 %
BP 10.3420 %
ExxonMobil 7.2286 %


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