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Acting executive vice president for F&M

March 9, 2004, 13:25 CET

As of today, 9 March, Einar Strømsvåg (48) will serve as acting executive vice president for the Manufacturing & Marketing (F&M) business area. He will hold this position until 15 August, while Erling Øverland is acting chief executive for the group.

Mr Strømsvåg comes from the position of senior vice president for the manufacturing business cluster in F&M.

He is a chemical engineer and business economist, with broad industrial experience following many years as a top executive in Gilde Agro, and as managing director of Kverneland Klepp. Since 1997 Mr Strømsvåg has held a number of management positions in Statoil, including that of commercial vice president for natural gas business development and chief of staff in F&M.