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Flotel for Visund

April 16, 2004, 10:45 CEST

A charter worth up to NOK 150 million has been awarded to Prosafe Offshore for using multipurpose support rig MSV Regalia as a flotel on Statoil’s Visund gas development in the North Sea.

Intended to support the completion phase for this work, the rig will be mobilised during the first quarter of 2005.

The charter incorporates a firm duration of at least four months plus 20 days. If the contract takes effect on 1 March next year, the duration of the contract will be five months plus 20 days.

This job will be worth between NOK 125 million and NOK 150 million depending on the charter length.

Statoil has opportunities to extend the charter if required providing the vessel has no other contracts, reports Astrid Sørensen, operations vice president for Visund.

“Extra berths are needed because we’re going to intensify production drilling during the final stages of the development,” she explains.

Visund already exports oil via Statoil’s Gullfaks A platform, with all its associated gas output currently injected back into the reservoir.

The present development will equip the platform to export up to 15 million cubic metres of gas per day while also increasing injection capacity in order to improve oil recovery.

Gas deliveries from Visund are due to begin on 1 October 2005.

The charter has been awarded to Prosafe on behalf of the Visund licensees, who also include Petoro, Norsk Hydro, ConocoPhillips and Total.