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The world's longest subsea pipeline on schedule

May 7, 2004, 01:00 CEST

The first application for construction of the English landfall for the world's longest subsea export pipeline, Langeled, was handed over by Hydro representatives to the East Riding of Yorkshire authorities on Friday.

In a few years, nearly one-fifth of the UK's gas needs will pass through the small village of Easington in southern England. Gas from the giant Ormen Lange field offshore north-west Norway will be transported in a pipeline system stretching approximately 1,200 kilometres from the processing plant at Nyhamna, Norway.

"This is an important day for us," says Bjørn Sund, head of the Gas infrastructure unit in Hydro. "So far, we have met all milestones in the Langeled project, and being able to start constructions in Easington this fall means that we are on track."

The Langeled pipeline is part of the Ormen Lange project, the largest gas field under development on the Norwegian continental shelf. The Ormen Lange field is situated at a depth of 1,000 metres in the Norwegian Sea, 100 kilometres north-west of the Norwegian coast. Planned gas volumes for transport through Langeled to the UK will comprise up to 20 percent of the UK gas market demand.

The pipeline will emerge from the sea at Easington and connect to a new gas reception facility just west of the existing Centrica terminal. Here the gas will be  treated to meet pressure and temperature conditions required for further transport through the Transco distribution network, National Transmission System.

Construction of the Langeled pipeline will require one million tonnes of steel and affect most of the world's pipeline production and laying resources. Estimates for the UK part of the project, indicate that almost £100 million will be invested in the Easington area over a two year period.

The application for the landfall-work is the first of three applications that will be submitted, and marks the beginning of an exciting project in the Easington area for years to come.

"Building the world's longest subsea pipeline is a demanding project," says Sund. "Besides from close cooperation with our partners, we also depend on full support from East Riding authorities and the community as such."


  • Hydro is operator of Langeled in the development and construction phase. The operator has organized a common project for execution of the transportation system and the field development to secure the integrity of the Ormen Lange/Langeled project from reservoir to market. Langeled will be included into the Norwegian gas transportation system Gassled as from start of operations and Gassco will take over operation of Langeled.
  • Statoil has the management of the gas export pipeline project in cooperation with Hydro. The project organization is staffed with personnel from both Statoil and Hydro.
  • The UK's Centrica PLC will operate the new reception facility at Easington once operational in 2006.

Participating interests in the Langeled Joint Venture

Hydro 17.553 % (operator for the development phase)
Gassco 0 % (operator for the production phase)
Petoro 32.716 %
Statoil 14.947 %
Shell 16.585 %
BP 10.498 %
ExxonMobil 6.922 %
ConocoPhillips 0.779 %

More about the Ormen Lange project on