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More gas to UK

May 19, 2004, 10:55 CEST

A one-year gas sales contract covering the delivery of one billion cubic metres from 1 October 2004 has been secured by Statoil from British Gas Trading Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Centrica group.

“We’re very pleased with this contract,” says Erik Kjos-Hanssen, managing director of Statoil UK. "It underlines Statoil's good relations with Centrica."

The group already delivers gas to British Gas Trading Limited. In 2002 the companies signed a ten-year contract commencing 1 October 2005 which at plateau level will entail delivery of five billion cubic metres of gas annually. Last year they entered into an agreement for delivery of two billion cubic metres annually for three years from 1 October 2003.

In 2005 Statoil's share of the British gas market will be roughly 10 per cent.