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Business Week: Hydro the 29th best performing company in Europe

June 23, 2004, 01:00 CEST

Hydro ranks high on Business Week's list of best performing companies in Europe, published in this week's magazine.

Hydro is ranked by Business Week as the 29th best performing company in Europe, achieving the highest ranking of any Norwegian company. The ranking is based on earnings growth and other performance indicators based on Standard & Poor's Europe 350 Index.

So what does it take to make the list? According to Business Week, the recipe is as follows: "Start with a strong brand. Then add a close relationship with customers. Finally, you need a flexible management team."

Even though the list includes a mix of companies from across Europe, one country dominates Business Week's ranking of European top performers: the UK, with 24 of the total of 50 companies, and 7 of the 10 top companies.