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Hydro has finished drilling exploration well 30/11-6

July 5, 2004, 17:00 CEST

Hydro has finished drilling exploration well 30/11-6 in exploration licence 272.

The well was drilled approximately 135 kilometres from the Norwegian coast just south of Bergen. The water depth is 103 metres.

The well was drilled to evaluate a sandstone prospect from the Jurassic period called ”Brontes”. Drilling was stopped when rock in the Dunlin formation was reached, 3350 metres below sea level. Traces of hydrocarbons were found in the forecast reservoir level. However samples showed that the hydrocarbons are not suitable for production, and the well was not tested.

Drilling was carried out with the drilling installation DeepSea Delta. It was completed on 2 July, after 30 days. The installation will continue to carry out assignments for Hydro.