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Government acts to end dispute

October 26, 2004, 14:15 CEST

Compulsory arbitration to halt the long-running rig strike by the Federation of Oil Workers’ Trade Unions (OFS) on the Norwegian continental shelf has been announced by the government.

The OFS and the other party to the dispute, the Norwegian Shipowners Association (NR), were notified on 25 October that this proposal will be formally presented on 29 October.

According to a press release from the NR, its warning of a lockout has been withdrawn. The conflict is to terminate at midnight on Wednesday 27 October.

The government intervened after the NR had announced earlier the same day that the crew of 94 supply ships and shuttle tankers on the NCS would be locked out on 8 November.

In addition, the association said that all OFS members working in the rig sector who had not already downed tools would be locked out.