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Evacuated crew flown to Bergen

November 29, 2004, 22:00 CET

Most of the 180 personnel evacuated on Sunday night from Statoil’s Snorre A platform in the North Sea were flown to Bergen during the afternoon and evening today, Monday 29 November.

They have been met at the heliport, taken to a nearby hotel and given practical help as well as an opportunity to talk with specialists about the incident.

Everyone who has wanted to go home immediately has been offered this option.

The Snorre well which suffered a gas escape on Sunday evening was brought under control just before 11.00 today, and the leak halted.

A total of 65 people who have remained on the platform are continuing work to secure the well permanently.

As soon as this operation has been completed, preparations will be made to resume normal production. It is still too early to say when this will be.

“We’re developing and will implement a plan for permanently securing the well,” explains Terje Overvik, executive vice president for Exploration & Production Norway.

“This plan will also be submitted to the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway.”

The loss of production while Snorre A and the Vigdis satellite, which is remotely operated via the platform, remain shut down totals some 200,000 barrels per day.

Click here to access facts about the Snorre field