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Energetic future for Tyins original power station

May 18, 2005, 11:30 CEST

Hydro has applied to the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) for concessionary rights for continued power generation in parts of the original Tyin hydropower station. After a 135 million NOK upgrade the power station will be able to achieve an annual production of 74 GWh.

“By adopting a creative approach we have found solutions for utilizing the water resources in the area that were included in the concession for New Tyin, but were not economically viable to include in that project,” says Knut Solnørdal, who is responsible for Hydro’s application.

“At the same time we will use two of the six turbines in the old power station, parts of the old pipeline system and other infrastructure,” says Solnørdal. The application is entitled “Change in use for new Tyin power station and continued operation of the existing facility.”

The expansion is due to start in the fall of 2006, and the power station will be ready to commence production early in 2008. Since the old power station and infrastructure will be utilized, the impact on nature will be modest compared with the power yield of 74 GWh.

The plans involve making the most of the drainage basin downstream of Tyin’s regulated area. According to the plan, water from Holsbruvatnet, Engjesetbekken, Skanseelvi and Rausdøla will be piped through a six kilometer tunnel to the existing pipeline belonging to the original power station, about 700 meters above sea level.

“Because the old facility is now to be taken offline as a result of the operation of New Tyin, it’s important to clarify the continued use of the original facility before plans for decommissioning are finalized. We therefore hope it will be possible to achieve rapid processing of our application, which is now being sent on a hearing round,” says Solnørdal.