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Ninth oil strike in Angolan block

October 21, 2005, 01:00 CEST

Yet another oil discovery – the ninth – has been made by operator BP in block 31 off Angola, where Statoil has a 13.33 per cent interest.

It has been named Hebe-1, report BP and Angolan state oil company Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de Angola (Sonangol).

Hebe-1 is the latest in a series of finds in this deepwater block, alongside Plutão, Saturno, Marte, Venus, Palas, Ceres, Juno and Astraea.

The well is located 16 kilometres south-west of Ceres, which was discovered earlier this year.

Hebe-1 was drilled by the Jack Ryan drillship in a water depth of 2,008 metres, reaching a total depth of 4,823 metres.

BP is currently evaluating development concepts in the south-eastern region of block 31.

In addition to block 31, Statoil has a 13.33 per cent interest in Angolan deepwater blocks 15 and 17.