Statoil is supporting the development of a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme on petroleum management at the Pomor State University (PSU) in Archangel, Russia. The agreement was signed today, 20 March.
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) will be responsible for the execution of the project.
"The oil industry in north-west Russia will expand in the years to come, so this programme is both relevant and important," comments Tor-Ivar Pedersen, special adviser for the international Barents region in International Exploration & Production.
According to the agreement the university will launch the international petroleum management BBA programme in the autumn of 2006. In the initial phase NTNU will assist PSU by giving lectures in some of the disciplines. The initiation period will last for up to five years with a stepwise reduction of NTNU's involvement towards the end of the period.
Statoil and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will provide financial support to the programme, with each covering 50 per cent of the external costs. Furthermore, Statoil will assist NTNU and PSU with organising practical training and experience transfer to the PSU academic staff.
The programme also includes possibilities for PSU staff to enhance their expertise by working closely with Statoil and NTNU.
The signed agreement is part of a memorandum of understanding for technical and economic cooperation signed by the administration of Archangel county and Statoil in December 2005. The cooperation involves supplier development, education, environmental issues relating to bio-resources and various social projects in the region.