"Statoil wants to build a common industrial platform for growth in the far north," said chief executive Helge Lund when he met Russian prime minister Mikhail Fradkov today, 28 March.
The meeting took place at the processing plant which will receive gas from Ormen Lange in Aukra local authority on the coast of mid-Norway.
Statoil wants Russia and Norway to work together to realise the potential for oil and gas activities in the Barents region.
"Our joint knowledge and experience will be crucial if we are to tackle the challenges in tough, Arctic seas," commented Mr Lund.
Norway and Norwegian companies have leading-edge technological expertise and industrial experience which can help ensure a safe, efficient and profitable realisation of the resources in the Barents Sea.
"Through the development of the Snøhvit field north-west of Hammerfest, Statoil is gaining experience in the areas of exploration and production in Arctic waters," said Mr Lund.
Statoil has already entered into industry-oriented collaboration agreements with the Russian counties of Murmansk and Archangel.
The trip to Ormen Lange was part of the programme for prime minister Fradkov's official visit to Norway.