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Candidates for Statoil's corporate assembly

April 26, 2006, 17:15 CEST

At the annual general meeting (AGM) on 10 May, the election committee in Statoil ASA will propose the following shareholder representatives as members of the corporate assembly:

Members for re-election:

Anne Kathrine Slungård (42), marketing director of Entra Eiendom AS

Erlend Grimstad (38), executive vice president of Umoe AS

Kjell Bjørndalen (59), president of the Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions

Kirsti Høegh Bjørneset (43), lawyer, Tømmerdal & Co DA law firm

Anne Britt Norø (50), bachelor of law, Team Bodø KF

New members:

Greger Mannsverk (45), managing director of Kimek AS

Ingvald Strømmen (55), doctor of engineering, dean of the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, professor at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.

Inger Østensjø (51), coming chief officer, Stavanger

Deputy members:

1. Oddbjørg Ausdal Starrfelt (57) (new), senior adviser for Mercuri Urval

2. Halvor Stenstadvold (62) (re-election)

3. Odd Anders With (51) (re-election), municipal counsellor of Trondheim local authority

The election committee's proposal is unanimous.

In its proposal the election committee has emphasised that the proposed candidates have the necessary experience, expertise and capacity to carry out the tasks that lie with the corporate assembly.

The distribution between male and female candidates is equal.

All candidates for the corporate assembly are considered to have an independent relationship to Statoil.

At the AGM the board will propose the following persons as members of the election committee:

Anne Kathrine Slungård

Erlend Grimstad

Sven Arild Andersen (62) freelance consultant, former president & chief executive officer of Oslo Stock Exchange

Bjørn Ståle Haavik (43) director general at the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy