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ISO contract to Rheinhold & Mahla

July 21, 2006, 09:30 CEST

Statoil has, on behalf of the partners in the Snøhvit licence, awarded the contract for insulation, scaffolding and surface treatment (ISO) of the onshore plant Hammerfest LNG in the operating phase to Rheinhold & Mahla Industrier as.


The LNG plant at Melkøya comes on stream next year.

The estimated value of the contract is NOK 300 - 400 million, including options.

The ISO contract for the onshore Snøhvit gas plant at Melkøya near Hammerfest runs until 31 December 2010, with three options for two-year extensions.

Rune Skeie, project manager for Snøhvit Operations, welcomes R&M Industrier and looks forward to a long and good partnership. R&M will be a central player in the overall operations of the LNG plant.

”In the selection process Statoil emphasised, among other things, the fact that the contractor will set up business in Hammerfest,” Mr Skeie says.

R&M will emphasise training and use of local labour under the contract, and has among other things signed a collaboration agreement with the local company Hammerfest Maritime Service (HMS).

Snøhvit is the first development in the Norwegian sector of the Barents Sea and the first LNG (liquefied natural gas) plan in Europe. Unprocessed well stream from the subsea installations on the field will be brought to Hammerfest LNG for processing and shipment when the plant comes on stream in 2007. Statoil is operator for the development and operation of Snøhvit.