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Still the most sustainable

September 7, 2006, 01:00 CEST

Statoil has taken first place among the world’s oil and gas companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the third year in a row.

“This recognition from the DJSI World makes us not only proud but also humble,” says Reidar Gjærum, executive vice president for corporate communication.

“The active social responsibility we accept for health, environmental protection and human rights must be made visible and create positive spin-offs wherever we conduct our business.”

Only 11 of the 81 companies in the oil and gas sector gained a place on the DJSI World list this year, entitling them to use the Dow Jones sustainability logo (pictured). Statoil takes first place in the main economics category, as well as in the sub-groups for human capital development and social impact on communities.

“Being ranked as the best by this rating is very gratifying,” says Rolf Magne Larsen, Statoil’s senior vice president for country analysis and social responsibility.

“One of our core values is to contribute to sustainable development and accept social responsibility. This represents a signal from the market that our improvement efforts are on track. Topping this exclusive ranking is naturally an added bonus.”

Statoil’s sustainability report for 2005, which presents its strategy for social responsibility, can be ordered via or downloaded from the same site.