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Continued festival sponsorship

November 7, 2006, 00:00 CET

Statoil and the Bergen International Festival have agreed on another four years' sponsorship to strengthen the festival's international focus. Statoil will contribute NOK 10 million between 2006 and 2009.

The festival has been strengthening its international focus since 2005, sharpening its profile and initiating its own large productions and commissioned works to distinguish itself on the international festival circuit.

Nordic Impulses is the festival's new signature and aims to be an important meeting place for creative and performing artists from the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Pianist Leif Ove Andsnes and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra performing during the Bergen International Festival 2006. (Photo: The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra).

"Statoil has collaborated with the Bergen International Festival since 1990," says Reidar Gjærum, executive vice president in corporate communication.

"The festival's international focus in many ways follows in the footsteps of Statoil. We think the development is exciting and see common features between us, which is why we wish to be part of further developing the festival as a high-quality, international cultural event."

The agreement increases the festival's options relating to its long-term and strategic goals.

"This is a welcome partnership," says festival director Per Boye Hansen. "Statoil has always focused on young talent and innovative artistic expression in its profile. This corresponds greatly with the festival's artistic ambitions."

Media relations:
Ola Morten Aanestad, vice president media relations, + 47 48 08 02 12 (mobile), + 47 51 99 13 77 (office)