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Njord prepares for gas export

November 17, 2006, 08:30 CET

The export of gas from the Njord field in the Norwegian Sea is drawing closer as a result of maintenance work currently being carried out. Oil production on the Njord A platform has been shut down during the eight day maintenance period.

"On Tuesday, eight pre-fabricated units with a total weight of 40 tonnes were lifted on board the platform. They will now be installed into the process facility on the platform. A significant part of the installation will be welding work, which must be done while production is halted," says project leader Helge Rivelsrud in the Tie-in Projects unit.

He is leading the project preparing Njord for gas export. The plan calls for gas exports (on what has exclusively been an oil producing field) to start in October 2007.

"The project is proceeding on time and we're doing as much of the preparation work as we can before two gas export modules are lifted into place next summer. We also hope the weather in the area improves so we can finish covering the production pipelines laid on the sea bottom earlier this fall, before Christmas," says Rivelsrud.

Large-scale maintenance
The operations organization on Njord is carrying out significant maintenance and modifications work that comes in addition to the gas export project.

The platform's living quarters have been expanded by 17 beds, which are being used during the maintenance shut down. There are a total of 137 people on board. All available bunks are occupied during the maintenance work.

"This is one of the most significant maintenance shut downs on Njord since it started operating. Some 6,000 hours will be logged during the eight-day period," says Ove Steinar Soltvedt, maintenance shut down project leader.

"About half the work during the shut down is tied to the gas export project and preparations to hook-up the gas modules with a new valve. In addition, significant modifications are being carried out, as well as inspections of separators," Soltvedt says.