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Hydrocarbon discovery offshore Canada

December 5, 2006, 15:00 CET

Hydro and Husky Energy have discovered hydrocarbons during delineation drilling in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland and Labrador.

The West Bonne Bay F-12 well is located in Significant Discovery License (SDL) 1040, approximately 320 kilometres southeast of St. John’s, in close proximity to the Terra Nova oil field. Under a farm-in agreement with Hydro, operator of SDL 1040, Husky Energy drilled the well using the jack-up drilling rig Rowan Gorilla VI.

The F-12 well was drilled to a total depth of 4,666 metres. A side track well F-12Z was drilled to further delineate the structure and to gather additional reservoir information. In both wells hydrocarbons were encountered in the Upper Hibernia formation. Further analysis of core, fluid samples and wireline log data is continuing to estimate the recoverable resources from this pool.

“Hydro is very satisfied with the drilling operation and the cooperation with Husky. We are encouraged by the result and will evaluate the find further to see if this can be developed commercially, said Johan Kr. Mikkelsen, President of Norsk Hydro Canada Oil & Gas.

Partners in West Bonne Bay:

  • Hydro (operator) – 72.22%
  • Husky Energy (drilling operator) – 27.78%