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New cranes for Oseberg field center

May 29, 2007, 01:20 CEST

Hydro has awarded National Oilwell Norway AS a contract to build and install two new cranes on the Oseberg field center in the North Sea, with the option for two additional cranes. The contract, options included, is valued at about NOK 120 million.

The cranes will make an important contribution towards increasing the regularity of lifting operations and enhancing safety. 

Newly developed safety system

The cranes will be used for lifting operations between the platform and boats, as well as lifting activities onboard the platform.

The four cranes will be built with a newly developed safety system in accordance with European standards for offshore cranes. The new safety system is specially developed for personnel and MOB boat operations, and will provide significantly safer personnel conveyance.

National Oilwell has previously replaced cranes for Hydro. The last time was in fall 2006 on the Oseberg C platform.

Long-term plans

”We’re replacing the cranes in connection with long-term plans for operating the Oseberg field center. It’s been 18 years since the Oseberg A platform started production and we’ll have activity there for at least another 18 years,” says Svein Hatlem, Hydro's head of the Oseberg-Grane area in the North Sea.

The Oseberg field center entails three platforms, Oseberg A, B and D, which are linked together by bridges. Two of the cranes to be replaced are on Oseberg A, while the two others are on Oseberg B.

Start immediately

Project engineering work will start immediately and the first two cranes are planned to be installed on Oseberg A and Oseberg B in summer 2008. The last two cranes will be installed in 2009/2010.