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Dry well in Snøhetta prospect

November 5, 2007, 09:57 CET
Polar Pioneer

"Polar Pioneer" (Photo: Sverre Kojedal)

StatoilHydro is operator for production licence 286 in block 6609 on the Nordland Ridge.

"This wildcat was started in September and completed after the merger of Statoil and Hydro," says Geir Richardsen, exploration vice president in Exploration & Production Norway.

"Collaboration between the drilling teams in the two former companies has been good and the drilling operation was carried out in a safe, efficient and environmentally-sound manner."

The primary objective was to test the potential for hydrocarbons in Upper Cretaceous rocks. Secondly, the well was also to explore the prospect opportunity in the Brygge formation in Eocene rocks.

Only thin layers of sandstone were found in the potential reservoir zones. This was the first well in PL 286 which was awarded in the 17th licensing round in 2002.

The well was drilled to a total depth of 2,710 metres below sea level and terminated in Triassac rocks. It has now been permanently plugged and abandoned.

The drilling operation was carried out by the Polar Pioneer rig in 330 metres of water. The rig will leave the area on 3 November for the Snøhvit Unit to drill well 7120/8-4, Askeladden Beta. StatoilHydro is operator for this well.

The partners in PL 286 are: StatoilHydro 60%, Eni Norge 20% and Wintershall Norge 20%.