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StatoilHydro granted permission to buy Jet

October 21, 2008, 18:38 CEST
While StatoilHydro will keep 194 out of the 274 gas stations, 80 of them will be sold in accordance with the Commission's wish to limit market concentration.

”We are pleased with the outcome,” says Jacob Schram, senior vice president of StatoilHydro Energy & Retail. ”Our goal is to strengthen our self-service station coverage in Scandinavia. This is an important step towards achieving this goal.”

The Commission has decided that StatoilHydro must sell the 40 Jet stations in Norway and 40 of the 163 Jet stations in Sweden. StatoilHydro will take over 123 stations in Sweden and all the 71 stations in the Danish Jet network. StatoilHydro will also sell 118 Hydro stations in Sweden as part of the divestment package.

”This has been a long process, and StatoilHydro and ConocoPhillips have cooperated with the Commission in order to find a good solution," says Mr Schram. "In my opinion, we have succeeded in achieving a favourable result. The transaction is an important element in our endeavours to become the leading fuel company in Scandinavia. And, not least, it puts us in a better position to meet the demands of our customers, within the self-service segment."

For further information please contact:

Helena Fornstedt, PR & Communication Director: phone: +46 704296132

Per Brinch, PR & Communication Director: phone: +45 20305080

Knut Hilmar Hansen, Head of Communication: phone: +47 91738053

Christian Lund, Public Affairs Manager Europe, phone: +47 46897691