The Mongstad facility north of Bergen. (Photo: Ăyvind Hagen)
The aim is to ensure that a full-scale capture plant at Mongstad can be realised in a way that does not involve any risks for people or the environment. This will ensure a solid project implementation that addresses uncertainties in a responsible manner.
Recent research on the effects of emissions from amine-based capture plants has provided fresh knowledge that is more nuanced.
However, as there is still uncertainty associated with potential health and environmental risks, Statoil maintains a recommendation for an adjusted project approach to ensure that the project is realised in an acceptable manner.
This means that more technologies should be considered, and that the technology qualification should be implemented prior to the concept choice. A broad technology qualification process will ensure that the technologies, and the different elements of uncertainty, are addressed in a responsible manner, and that a safe technology that works is chosen well in advance of the investment decision.
âStatoil fully supports the ambition of getting a carbon capture plant into place at Mongstad. We regard carbon capture and storage as one of the most important environmental actions for the future, and the work at Mongstad is unique in this regard. Once a decision has been made, we will immediately start the process of qualifying various technologies for full-scale capture at Mongstad,â says Kurt Georgsen, Statoilâs head of the full-scale plant at Mongstad. There will be a close dialogue with relevant suppliers of capture technology.
âWe have experienced challenges associated with inadequate knowledge of potential health effects related to amine technology, and alternative capture technologies being less mature than assumed. The work performed at Mongstad is unique in a global context and will have great effects for the further development of carbon capture technology,â says Eli Aamot, VP, research and development, new energy, Statoil.
Statoil recommends a systematic technology qualification to reduce the risks associated with the use of new technology. As part of this the ongoing extensive research programme aimed at clarifying the uncertainty related to the use of amine technology will be progressed.
The recommended project model presupposes that the results of the technology qualification form the basis for the choice of capture technology and concept decision. Subsequently, detailed pre-engineering of the plant will be performed.