Annual general meeting approved dividend of USD 0.27 per share for fourth quarter 2019

May 14, 2020 19:26 CEST
Photo from the Annual General Meeting 2020
Photo from the Annual general meeting 2020 (Photo: Arne Reidar Mortensen / Equinor ASA)

On 14 May 2020, the annual general meeting (AGM) of shareholders in Equinor ASA (OSE: EQNR, NYSE:EQNR) approved the annual report and accounts for Equinor ASA for 2019, as proposed by the board of directors.

The annual accounts and the annual report for Equinor ASA and the Equinor group for 2019 were approved, and a dividend of US dollar (”USD”) 0.27 per share will be distributed for the fourth quarter of 2019.

The fourth quarter 2019 dividend accrues to the shareholders as registered in Equinor’s shareholder register with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS) as of expiry of 18 May 2020 (the ”Record Date”).

Subject to ordinary settlement in VPS, this implies that the right to dividends accrues to shareholders as of 14 May 2020. The shares will be traded ex-dividend on the Oslo Stock Exchange (Oslo Børs) from and including 15 May 2020. The same dates are applicable for the US ADR (American Depository Receipts) holders.

Shareholders whose shares trade on the Oslo Stock Exchange will receive their dividend in Norwegian kroner (”NOK”). The NOK dividend will be communicated on 22 May 2020. The expected payment date for the dividend in NOK and USD under the ADR program is on or around 29 May 2020.

The AGM authorised the board of directors to resolve quarterly dividend payments until the next ordinary annual general meeting, but not beyond 30 June 2021.

As part of the implementation of the company`s share buy-back programme, a reduction in capital through the cancellation of own shares and the redemption of shares belonging to the Norwegian government was approved by the annual general meeting.

The below proposals from shareholders were up for voting. The shareholders’ supporting statement and the board’s response is available at

1) To set short-, medium-, and long-term net carbon intensity targets (including Scope 1, 2 and 3). The shareholder’s proposal was not adopted.

2) To stop all exploration activity and test drilling for fossil energy resources.The shareholder’s proposal was not adopted.

3) Consider the health effects of global warming due to fossil energy in the company’s further strategy. The shareholder’s proposal was not adopted.

4) To refrain from oil and gas exploration and production activities in certain areas. The shareholder’s proposal was not adopted.

5) To stop all oil and gas activities outside the Norwegian continental shelf. The shareholder’s proposal was not adopted.

6) To set new direction for the company including phasing out of all exploration activities within two years. The shareholder’s proposal was not adopted.

The AGM endorsed the board’s report for 2019 on Corporate Governance. Furthermore, the AGM endorsed the board of directors’ declaration on remuneration and other employment terms for the corporate executive committee together with the board of directors’ guidelines on stipulation of salary and other remuneration for executive management.

Remuneration to the company's external auditor was also approved.

Members to the corporate assembly and the nomination committee were elected in line with the nomination committee's proposal. Tone Lunde Bakker is re-nominated as chair and Nils Bastiansen is re-nominated as deputy chair of the corporate assembly. Tone Lunde Bakker will continue as chair of the nomination committee. Full overview of elected members of the corporate assembly and nomination committee are to be found in the enclosed minutes of the annual general meeting.

The AGM authorised the board to acquire Equinor shares in the market on behalf of the company in order to continue the share saving plan for employees. The authorisation shall be valid until the next annual general meeting, but not beyond 30 June 2021.

The AGM also authorised the board to acquire Equinor shares in the market for subsequent annulment. Own shares acquired pursuant to this authorisation may only be used for annulment through a reduction on the company’s share capital. The authorisation shall be valid until the next annual general meeting, but not beyond 30 June 2021.

Please find enclosed the complete minutes of the AGM.

Contact persons:

Investor relations
Peter Hutton, senior vice president for investor relations,
tel: +44 7881 918 792

Helge Hove Haldorsen, vice president for investor relations USA,
tel: + 1 281 224 0140

BĂĽrd Glad Pedersen, vice president for media relations,
tel: +47 91 80 17 91

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

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