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Polish gas line study

October 4, 2000, 11:15 CEST

An agreement to study a pipeline link between Norway's offshore fields and Poland via Denmark was signed in Copenhagen on 3 October.

Concluded by Statoil, Danish Oil and Natural Gas (Dong) and the Polish Oil and Gas Company (POGC), this deal will look at utilising the Baltic Pipe gas link planned between Denmark and Poland.

A line would primarily be used to meet gas deliveries under a contract being negotiated between the POGC and Norway's Gas Negotiating Committee (GFU).

It could also be used to carry Norwegian supplies to Sweden and Denmark as well as other central European and Baltic markets.

Norway started delivering gas to Poland on 1 October under a contract agreed between the GFU and the POGC last year.

At peak, the Poles are due to receive 500 million cubic metres of Norwegian gas annually over the next five years. These supplies currently travel via Emden and the German pipeline network.