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Sole supplier to McTrans

January 26, 2001, 10:00 CET

Statoil has entered into an agreement to supply fuel and other products at an annual value of SEK 12 million to distribution company McTrans in Sweden.

Through this deal, Statoil becomes sole supplier of diesel, petrol, lubricants and chemical products to McTrans, which delivers all commodities to the hamburger chain McDonald's. Fuel and products to be purchased are estimated at 3,000 cubic metres annually.

"This will be one of our largest single customers," says Lasse Dornell who is responsible for the contract.

According to Mr Dornell, Statoil was chosen on the basis of its environmentally friendly total concept and good tanking opportunities throughout the country.

Statoil is building storage tanks at McTrans' main depot in Stockholm, and a recycling plant for lubricants and chemical products.

The deal will run until one of the parties wishes to withdraw.