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Nytt nettsted for teknologi

april 14, 2005, 13:55 CEST

A technology web site accessible from Statoil’s external web site at has been launched by the Technology & Projects (T&P) business area.

This facility provides a broad overview of group achievements in research and technology over the years, both on its own and in cooperation with others.

The site currently contains some 120 topics and related links.

“Technology has been and will remain crucial for an oil and gas company like ours to reach its targets,” says Margareth Øvrum, executive vice president for T&P.

“Articles in the web site cover the whole value chain. We’ve sorted the information for the benefit of many users – including suppliers, government agencies, shareholders, students and partners.”

The plan is to add new material to the web site on a continuous basis, gradually making it a natural source for anyone wishing to learn more about Statoil’s R&D achievements.

Users of the web site have opportunities to provide constructive comments directly from the home page menu.