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A net-zero future relies on digital expertise

We know we need new digital solutions to empower energy transformation. The fight against cybercriminals warrants inventive and vigilant cyber experts. And if we manage to harness our immense amount of data in ways we didn’t think was possible, we will take leaps towards a net-zero society.

In an increasingly digitalised world, we will always need top talent to help us cover the basics. And from that firm foundation, dedicated IT professionals will build our digital edge, enabling us to be a driving force in the energy transition. We want you to join the team.

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Our digital vision

Digitalisation is changing us as a company. Equinor’s strategy is based on three pillars; always safe, high value and low carbon. New technology and smart devices provide better decision-making support and contributes to value creation through maximum use of our data.

Make data available anytime, anywhere
Enabling our employees to make better decisions, faster through accessible data and insights.

Developing digital competence to become an industry leader
Digitalisation is as much about the mindset and the culture, as it is about tools and technology.

Predicting and preventing safety and security incidents
By gathering and visualizing relevant data, we provide all the information needed to keep our people and operations safe.

Robots will make our work easier
By reducing everyday repetitive tasks and human exposure. Future energy production will be lighter, more subsea and remotely controlled.

Our ambition is to build a technology powerhouse. Would you like to know more about our approach to technology, digitalisation and innovation?

Read more about technology, digitalisation and innovation in Equinor

What I love about working with IT in Equinor is that I get the freedom to be creative. There are so many amazing people working with different things, and as an IT professional you get to contribute in a wide range of areas.

Daniel Sander IsaksenIT analyst

It is all about connectivity

We’re no strangers to digital innovation. For decades, we’ve used technology to boost efficiency and improve health and safety. But now, a new wave of digital transformation is driving change.

Combining data and learning across our disciplines provides us with a better basis for decision-making, new business opportunities, and increased collaboration with our partners, suppliers and other lines of business.

Connectivity and data
We generate and analyse data for specific purposes, but we see a large untapped potential for utilising data across IT applications and organisational boundaries.

We have production data, operation and maintenance data, market and trading data, weather data, marine surveys, subsurface data and many more. And there is a potential to use them in a more integrated way. Actions that involve the use of digital technology have typically been directed towards specific problems or opportunities in specific parts of our value chain.

Our cloud journey has already made data available in new ways and eased the integration of information and tools. The next step is to be truly data-driven, through data combined by location and positions efficient across sources, applications and timelines. To achieve that, we are utilising a solution for geospatial and spatial data, enabling value creation from the portfolio of robotics, flying drones, subsea drones and other inspection initiatives, to mention some. This solution is built into Equinor’s cloud-based enterprise data platform and will feed special and geospatial data to end-user applications, like the digital twin “Echo”.

Sharing the data
What if all the data and experience were at our fingertips any time we needed it? What if we had the right tools to ask great new questions of those data? What if we could support business decisions in a way that really allows us to come together to provide the best multi-disciplinary solution the data can provide? Ultimately, we aim to spend most of our time applying and sharing our knowledge and experience. That is what the digital transformation is all about.

The amount of data we have available is enormous, and we take pride in sharing much of it with other players in the industry. More than 7000 users have signed up to download Volve and Northern Lights data since the launch, and the Sleipner datasets have been downloaded more than 400 times at the end of last year.

Digitalisation and information technology is key to the transition of the energy sector – and therefore also a key component in realising our strategy.

Our digital journey

Digitalisation is ingrained in almost everything we do, from maintenance offshore with reduced risk to predicting and avoiding accidents and day-to-day collaboration. Here are a few examples of how we work with data and digitalisation.

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With a little help from my digital twin
Can we improve safety, reduce re-work and collaborate more closely, using an ever-growing digital toolbox? We believe so.

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Working offshore?
There’s an app for that.
Work is made easier, safer and more interesting by new digital tools.

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Building the data-driven future
Data engineering is shaping our lives. This is how we are working towards a data-driven reality.

Johan Sverdrup
Johan Sverdrup.
Photo: Woldcam

Equinor – the bigger picture

We are an international energy company committed to playing a leading role in the energy transition – providing for continued value creation in a net-zero future.

We strive for carbon-neutral global operations by 2030, and our ambition is to become a net-zero company by 2050. That includes emissions from both production and use of energy.


dedicated digital and IT-professionals working within Equinor


e-mails received every day

48 petabytes

of data available for utilisation in our operations

To achieve our net-zero ambition, we are working along three axes:

  • Growing our renewable business and becoming a global offshore wind major.
  • Developing within low carbon solutions, including carbon capture & storage and hydrogen.
  • Focusing and optimising our oil and gas portfolio, allowing us to strengthen our competitiveness while reducing emissions.

We energise the lives of 170 million people – every day! To solve some of the world’s biggest energy challenges, we need your energy.

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