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Barents Sea wildcat spudded

April 4, 2005, 11:00 CEST

A wildcat in the Guovca prospect operated by Statoil in the Barents Sea was spudded on 2 April from the Eirik Raude rig.

Statoil had planned to drill the Uranus exploration well in the Barents Sea before Guovca, but had to reprioritise the drilling programme as handover of the rig from Hydro was delayed.

Work on drilling and completing the well is expected to take 20-30 days.

Once Guovca is completed, Eirik Raude will move to the Norwegian Sea for a well on Statoil’s Tulipan prospect in block 6302/6.

The rig is then due to return to the Barents Sea during the autumn to drill the Uranus wildcat.

“We’ve adopted a number of measures to ensure safety and protect the environment while drilling this well,” explains Ørjan Birkeland, Statoil’s Barents Sea exploration manager.

“These include detailed planning and training of personnel in cooperation with the rig contractor and other suppliers.”