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Contacts for investors

Whom to contact in Equinor Investor Relations

In most cases, your account registrar will be able to help you with questions relating to your portfolio, dividends and participation at Annual General Meetings.

For specific enquiries that must be addressed to our Investor Relations department, please call +47 51990000 or send e-mail to For all other enquiries, please contact your local Equinor office or our general enquiry line.

Our registrar and ADR contact information

The registrar manages Equinor’s share register on behalf of the company, and is responsible for ensuring dividend payments, providing information about shareholding in Equinor and assisting with practical information about the shareholder’s account manager. We have appointed DNB Bank ASA as our registrar:

Dronning Eufemias gate 30, Bygg M-10S
N-0191 Oslo
+47 23 26 80 20

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. acts as depositary for the ADR holdings traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Enquiries can be directed to them at them as follows:

JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.
P.O. Box 64504
St. Paul, MN 55164-0504

Toll-free: +1 (800) 990 1135
Direct Dial: +1 (615) 453 2128

Information and FAQs for Equinor ADS holders