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30 years as a team with Heroes of Tomorrow

Maybe more than ever we need people who dare to think big and new. These are the Heroes of Tomorrow.

There are many things worth cheering for.

The courage to appear on stage for the first time. The willingness to learn. Teammates who support each other. Creative joy and ingenious ideas.

For more than 30 years, Equinor has supported young talents in Norway who want to make a difference when they grow up – whether it be future engineers who are eager to help solve the world's challenges or those who excite us on the ski slopes, football pitch or onstage. In 2006, Equinor’s initiative was given the name “Heroes of Tomorrow”.

The reason is very simple – our most important resource is people. Both for Equinor and for the rest of society.

“The idea behind Heroes of Tomorrow was to highlight our role as community builders. A knowledge-based company that actively contributes to skills development in society by supporting children and young people in three crucial areas: science, culture and sport. We aimed to sponsor talent. We aimed to support to the Heroes of Tomorrow,“ says Oddvar Høie, former head of marketing and sponsorship at Equinor, who helped develop the concept.

The future needs many types of heroes

Heroes of tomorrow commercial

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Many types of heroes

Times change, but investing in the next generation and talent development will never go out of fashion. We are now in the middle of the energy transition on the Norwegian continental shelf. The force that once turned little Norway into a powerful energy nation is the same that will contribute to the world’s energy transition. We will need wise minds who dare to think big going forward to succeed.

Admittedly, this does not mean Equinor will develop talents independently. Heroes of Tomorrow is an initiative aiming for close long-term collaborations between Equinor, organizations and partners across the country – from sports associations and orchestras to regional knowledge centres and good mentors – to inspire and support the talents to keep going and continue their development.

So far, Equinor has supported and developed many talents who have gifted Norway with enormous cultural and sports achievements – from musicians Leif Ove Andsnes and Jarle Bernhoft to footballer Martin Ødegaard and cross-country skier Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen.

Heroes of Tomorrow within the field of science

However, it is essential to remember that the Heroes of Tomorrow can also be found outside the biggest arenas. Talents are found in classrooms all over Norway. They may not be as visible, yet some of the biggest dreams are created on the small stages. In this way, schools are the vital places where the magic happens.

In a rapidly developing society, there is a need for children and youth to learn skills that will enable them to solve the challenges of the future. We do not know what these challenges will be exactly, but we know that problem solving, collaboration and innovative thinking skills will be important.

Thea MoenHead of sponsorship. Equinor

That is precisely why Equinor is a proud sponsor of the technology and knowledge competition FIRST® LEGO® League. Every year it gives tens of thousands of children and young people an opportunity to experience mathematics, science, and technology in practice.

Another example is “Kodekraft” – a free national teaching program for 9th and 10th graders, developed in collaboration with the regional science experience centres. Here, students develop their technology and practical programming skills by building their own energy game.

“One of our most important missions as a science centre is to inspire children and youth to become interested in science. It is precisely what Kodekraft and FIRST® LEGO® League are doing,” says Elin Ravndal Bell, marketing manager at Jær Museum.

During the next 50 years, it is difficult to say who or what will inspire us or contribute to a change. The only sure thing is that effort, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn will be required. That is the essence of the Heroes of Tomorrow.

Heroes of Tomorrow web site (in Norwegian only)

This is one of many stories from our first 50 years. It is also part of the story of how we will succeed with the energy transition.

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