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Units get injuries down

May 15, 2000, 10:00 CEST

No lost-time injuries have been suffered for 12 months or more on four of Statoil's offshore installations off north-west Europe.

Three mobile rigs working for the group off Norway – Byford Dolphin, Deepsea Trym and Transocean Prospect – have also operated for more than a year without such incidents.

The Norne production ship in the Norwegian Sea has operated for 450 days with no lost-time injuries. In the North Sea, Troll A has achieved the same for 1,050 days and production rig Mærsk Giant on Yme for 1,040 days.

And the Siri platform in the Danish sector has been free of accidents keeping people off work since it came on stream in March last year.

Transocean Prospect has worked for 1,000 days without a lost-time injury, reports Eva Utskot. She compiles statistics for the group's performance on health, the environment and safety.

The fact that a growing number of installations are avoiding lost-time injuries over long periods makes a positive contribution to Statoil's overall goal of zero accidents and injuries, she says.

Statoil's first field to produce for 12 months without one of these incidents was Veslefrikk, in April 1998. Other installations which have reached this target are Gullfaks B and the Polysaga storage ship on Yme.