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Backing education

October 25, 2000, 16:00 CEST

Long-term collaboration agreements have been concluded by Statoil today, 25 October, with five Norwegian research and education bodies.

They are the Norwegian School of Management, the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, the Stavanger University College, the University of Bergen and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

These institutions will be receiving NOK 35 million per year from the group for research and development projects aimed at modernising and improving the quality of their teaching.

"We recruit from universities and colleges," explains Martin Bekkeheien, Statoil's coordinator for this commitment. "It's in our interests that they attract and educate able people."

He notes that these educational bodies have a big need to update both equipment and teaching methods. The group's initiative has accordingly been very well received.

Each partner is to select three areas for a heavy commitment, and various projects benefiting both Statoil and the institution will be pursued within these.

The collaboration will last as long as both sides benefit from it.

A signing ceremony for the agreements was held at today's cooperation conference in Stavanger, which focuses on problems relating to expertise and the business sector.

This meeting is due to become an annual event, with the next planned for March. Representatives from other companies will then also be invited to attend.