Operator Statoil is issuing tender documents for the Kristin platform in the Norwegian Sea to pre-qualified contractors this week, with the deadline for submitting bids set at 1 October.
The Kristin field in the Norwegian Sea. Illustration: Even Edland.
The main contract will be an engineering, procurement, construction and hook-up (EPCH) job covering the platform.
Construction of the process module forms part of the main contract. The equipment module is included in the tender, but no decision has yet been taken whether this will be part of the EPCH job.
The contract will probably be awarded in December, providing the authorities approve the development application.
Separate contracts will be awarded for the hull and other modules. Plans call for these to be signed some time in the second quarter of 2002.
Other major contracts to be awarded in the first half of next year include procurement of seabed templates and auxiliary equipment, and rig hire for drilling and completing wells.
An engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the quarters module as well as several major equipment packages will also be awarded before next summer.
Remaining construction contracts for the Kristin platform will be assigned in the second half of 2002.
The plan for operation and development of this gas and condensate field on the Halten Bank was submitted to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy on 8 August.